Thursday, February 11, 2010

Stop Motion reflection

This project was my first attempt at a video piece. I've always had an interest in telling stories in my work and this is a perfect medium for it. I love the process oriented nature and the extensive amount of planning that goes into the production.

My initial storyboards ranged from humorous daily events to magical people to the adventures of a chocolate bunny. I settled upon 'The College Experience' because it seemed the most personal and talked about some of the things I'm currently experiencing. My piece certainly evolved from it's initial planning stages but the general concept stayed the same. Originally I wanted to show a cheesy freshman on their first day and fast forward through their college years, ending up at the same spot on graduation day- looking shell-shocked. The imagery is very similar to my original plan. However the tone of the piece grew from being rather humorous into a sort of personal homage to my own college years and the people that were a part of them. Photographs are so closely linked to our memories that it seemed appropriate to do my piece with them entirely, incorporating past photographs into the scene as well.

The biggest struggles for me in this assignment were purely technical. I was confident with my concept but struggled in using myself as a model. The piece required a lot of out of doors self portraits. I wanted to have a decent amount of myself in the frame so this involved a significant amount of marking where I was standing and running back and forth to move the camera. While the production was pretty brutal, I really liked the outcome. Although I like to plan things pretty thoroughly, I enjoyed the happy accidents that occurred during production such as the car that zooms through in front of the stadium. I think the inevitable choppy nature of the end product kind of mimics the way our memory works.

My favorite parts of producing the animation were the initial planning stages and the post production. It was fun to be presented with something you have no idea how to do and have to try to improvise and alter things to make it work. For example, rather than having the seamless transitions from scene to scene that I had envisioned, I had to develop a fading in and out of focus transition that would take us from one place to another.

All in all I really loved working with stop motion animation. It allowed me to look at photography in a whole new way and really turn it into a different medium. This piece will hopefully be the first of many.

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